by Man Up

November 26, 2022

Sometimes you will encounter people who just seem to be lacking something.  One minute everything is fine, the next they're a train wreck.  Chances are you are dealing with someone with low emotional intelligence. Here are 8 tell-tale signs that someone has low EQ. 

1. They Play the Blame game

Do you know someone who tends to blame others for their own actions?  This is a classic indicator of low EQ.  The person is unable to manage their emotions and their self-esteem is so low that they cannot possibly take any more blame, so they dish it out on others as a self-preservation mechanism.

2. They Cope Poorly Under Emotionally Stressful Situations

Stress is a result of having more work than they can handle either because they’ve bit off more than they can chew or the work’s been lumped on top of them.  Low EQ people are emotionally reactive to stress, often making a bad situation worse. 

3. They Have Trouble Understanding the Emotions of Others

They have difficulty understanding their own emotions, let alone others.  This makes them appear withdrawn and sulky.

4.  They are Unaware of the Emotions of Others

Even if they were aware of emotions others feel, they may be totally oblivious as to why a person may be feeling whatever they are feeling. 

5. They Have to Be Right - Always

They can only see things their way and refuse to hear what others have to say even if you show proof they are wrong they remain adamant they are right. 

6. They Say the Wrong Things at the Wrong Time

They are the faux pas king or queen.  Unaware socially of etqitutee and protocol in different social settings.  Their inability to read the room means they will ruffle some feathers from time to time. 

7. They Struggle to Control Their Emotions

Not only are they unaware of their emotions – they rarely have constructive ways of managing their own strong emotions causing them to lash out at others or have emotional meltdowns. 

8. They Struggle in Their Relationships

Relating with others requires to be able to take care of others emotionally and the low EQ person is too blind to see how whatever can affect them and therefore is unqualified to help. 

About the author 

Man Up

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