The Wall by Jerr

This book is an absolute behemoth when it comes to masculinity.  It is compiled of a series of essays that will change the way you see masculinity. Written by seminal author Jerr and illustrated by Bruno SolĂ­s De Campo, The Wall will open up your eyes and mind to the way men are supposed to be - in stark contrast to where we find masculinity in these chaotic modern times. 

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Our World of Illusion by Jerr

Jerr's follow up book, Our World of Illusion answers the question 'Why?' - Why on earth is masculinity in the state that it is in?  His first book is highly recommended before diving into this one as all the tenets of Jerr's masculinity are outlined in detail in that one. This book, on the other hand, helps join the dots to see the bigger picture and why developing masculine frame is essential to survive and thrive in these trying times.

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The Art of Twitter: Build a Business that Makes $100/Day by Harsh Strongman

Twitter is a great side hustle.  It's a free platform and allows you the ability to share your ideas with millions of people worldwide. With over 396 millions users and low barrier to entry, Twitter is a perfect first side hustle to cut your teeth and learn business while connecting with people all over the world. 

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Create 24/7: The Blueprint to Build a 6-Figure Twitter Business by The Art of Purpose

While The Art of Twitter is a good guide that will help you begin your Twitter journey, Create 24/7 will help you to understand the intricacies of creating Twitter content and even creating your own products and courses to promote to your followers. There is so much content and value, you cannot possibly understand it all in one sitting. Best digested slowly over time. 

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Rich Dad Poor Dad by Robert Kiyosaki

This book is a classic and changes the way you think about money and wealth building.  I also recommend playing the board game too.  Robert is of the mind that the way we approach his game is the same way we approach life. The lessons are taught as anecdotes about Robert's two 'fathers' - one rich and one poor. Read it, savour it, live it. 

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E Myth by Michael Gerber

A great book to read for small business owners once you have an established business. Will help you organise your priorities in business and see a way up and out rather than just being the sole trader, toiling alone all day fulfilling orders and or services and dealing with your customers. 

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The Goal by Eliyahu Goldratt

The Goal helps you see the bigger picture and streamline your processes and systems so that you have a business that organically continues to become efficient.  Understand the process and teach it to your management staff.  This book focuses more on efficiency in production.  He has another book that focuses on marketing that is also worth reading. A worthwhile read if you are running a business with a revenue of at least $750,000 and/or several staff members. 

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The Republic by Plato

Discusses the good life and how to live it.  Presented as a dialogue between Socrates and his students regarding the nature of society and how an ideal state can come about and serve as a paragon for all other nation states.  

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The Law by Frederic Bastiat

What is the difference between what is legal and what is lawful?  This book published around the same time was overshadowed by Karl Marx's Communist Manifesto.  But this makes it no less significant and is essential reading providing great insight into what is occurring within the ranks of our governments and its effect on society and the individual. 

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Atlas Shrugged by Ayn Rand

What happens when government officials effect policy that determines how private small and medium enterprises are run, how much they are allowed to produce, whom they can serve and how much they're allowed to charge?  Ayn Rand covers this perplexing issue and explores the result of government over-reach in the private sector, with often disastrous consequences for all concerned. 

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